Home Learning Policy
Home Learning describes work which is set to be completed outside the school timetable and represents an extension of the learning activities provided and organised through the school curriculum.
At AQ Khan Schooling System Schools we believe that homework helps to create crucial links between learning in different contexts as well as development of independent learning behaviours. Home-School links are important to help each child achieve and in nurturing a positive learning community in which parents and carers feel valued and involved. The approach to homework varies throughout the school according to the age of the child, but at each level home-school links are vitally important in promoting success.
To provide opportunities for parents, students and our school to work in partnership in order to:
- extend and support learning via reinforcement and revision
- ensure a co-ordinated approach throughout the school
- support progression towards independence, individual responsibilities and positive personalised learning behaviours
- ensure that parents have a clear understanding of curriculum expectations
- support and maintain the relevance and importance of school learning in the home context
- give parents positive opportunities and guidance when supporting their child’s learning
Roles and responsibilities
The Head Teacher will ensure that homework is:
- an integral part of the curriculum and is planned and prepared alongside all other programmes of learning
- appropriate to the age, ability and circumstances of the students, taking into account special educational needs
- coordinated in order to be manageable for children on a daily, weekly and half termly basis informed by governmental guidance and expectations
Teachers need to:
- regard homework as part of the curriculum and plan accordingly
- set up clear classroom structures for the organisation and collection of homework,
- ensure homework is marked, keep a system of monitoring homework g. a register
- liaise with the parent where children are repeat non returners
- check home school diaries and sign weekly
Students will be required to:
- demonstrate a commitment to completing the tasks set
- write in pencil or handwriting/ink pen
- present their work in line with presentation guidelines
- return their work on time
- answer questions
Parents/carers will:
- make it clear to their children that they value home learning and are willing to support the school with their approach, including encouragement and praise
- ensure children take pride in their work and in their home school diaries
- support children to plan their time and meet
- give teachers any useful feedback which may include notes in the home school diary or verbal feedback
- provide a suitable place in which homework can be completed, whether working alone or with an adult
- sign the home school diary weekly
Special Educational Needs
Our expectations apply equally to children with recognised special educational needs. However, the children will receive differentiated tasks according to their needs, and reasonable adjustments will be made to support and include them. In this way we hope to promote success and learning for all.
All homework will be marked. Homework marking will have a question which children should answer in green pen. All children will be provided with homework ‘packs’ which will include a green pen in order to respond to marking questions.
Equal Opportunities
Homework is designed so that the child can complete it independently.
Monitoring of homework will take place half termly and work samples shared to develop good practise.
Celebration of homework will take place half termly through assemblies and certificates.