Admission Policy

Admission Tests are taken for all classes except Playgroup.

Test passing criteria:

  • 60% and above: Passed and accepted in the grade level applied for.
  • 40 – 60%: Admission for the preceding grade level is to be offered. Age has to be taken into account as well.(A margin of a year or two age difference can be given.)
  • Below 40%: Not acceptable

Age criteria:

  • Playgroup – 3 to 3.5 years (Preprimary)
  • Grade I – 6 to 6.5 years (Primary)
  • Grade VI – 11 to 11.5 years (Secondary)

In case parents are insistent on admitting their child in their requested grade level despite the child not having qualified for it, the choice of re-exam can be offered.

Test paper for the preceding grade level is to be given. (For instance, a student coming for admission in Grade V, will be required to attempt and clear the test paper for Grade IV.)

Health issues:

Any physical/mental health issues should be discussed before admission is finalized. Submission of medical certificate along with all other documents requirements is mandatory.

Specific cases/situations are to be discussed with the management before the finalization of conditions upon which the admission is accepted.

Required documents:

Details of the requirements of documents submission are mentioned in the admission form.

Admissions around Midterms:

The criteria for acceptance of admissions coming around midterms is as follows:

  • 70% and above – Passed and accepted in the grade level applied for.
  • Below 70% – Admission for the previous grade level will be offered.

Hafiz students:

For a student who has completed hifz (and is most likely to be around the age of 12 years), admission in Grade VI will be offered. The regular admission test has to be taken, however the marking criteria will be kept lenient. After admission, for the first year of study the qualification requirements will be focused on the major subjects of English, Urdu, Math and Science. Other subjects will be taught in the regular classes, but the student will be given time and space to meet up with the required standards.

For a student who comes for admission with an incomplete hafiz education, the regular admission test will be taken with the normally used marking criteria. The current status of the student is to be assessed via the test results, observations and interview. Parents’ interview, educational level, family background and their willingness to cooperate and help the student in coping up, all has to be taken into account before finalizing the grade level which is to be offered. The academic head is to mention the remarks and comments along with signature on the admission form on the basis of which the decision is taken.


Fee structure is revised yearly.

For the academic year 2019 – 20, no admission is to be taken at less than Rs 3500/- per student. The admission fee is relatively flexible and can be adjusted case to case. However, the tuition fee is fixed for all.

The campus manager is responsible for ensuring all the final settlements. The academic head can take decisions regarding concessions while maintaining coordination and communication with the administration.

Siblings admission conditions:

The siblings admission conditions vary case to case and are to be discussed between the academic management and administration before a decision is made.


The security fee (Rs 4000/- per student) has been introduced this year. It can be charged in installments if a request for adjustments is made by parents.


Parents’ interview is to be conducted by the academic head. Both parents should be asked to ensure their presence for the interview. In case of absence, reasons should be taken into account seriously.

Student’s interview is to be conducted by the teacher assigned for the invigilation of the admission test.

(criteria to be discussed, admission test squad to be formed from within the staff, time duration for the test results and feedback generation is to be determined)

Teachers’ children admissions:

Teachers willing to get admissions for their children will be offered a 20% discount initially. After one year of service, the discount can be increased to 50%.

Full concessions will only be granted on conditions settled and clearly mentioned with the academic head’s signatures.

Admissions in Grade IX:

A student’s admission in Grade IX will only be accepted if the test score is found to be minimum 80% or above. Clearance in all subjects is essential.

The school test results will take precedence over any previous academic reports of the student from other institutions.